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Today I made a difference by helping my mum do he dishes, setting the table and helping with the dinner I knew I made a difference beacause my mum said thank you Anna
At soccer practise tonight to make a difference everytime jaime fell over I helped her up (that was 5 times!!!!) I think she appreciated it! I don't know but I hope she did! Also I set the table and cleared the dishwasher! :)
Today all of you found cookis in your desk which were suppposed to be anonymous but thank you Tyler and Natalie for announcing it on the whiteboard :D I hope you all liked them! I knew everyone appreciated it (except one person) becuase they all said Thank you and they were yummy!
My friends and I went to the movies too see Night At The Mueseum 2 and my friends popcorn got knocked over so I shared my popcorn with her I knew she was thankful beacuse she said thank you anna!
Today at soccer my friend Selena was feeling sick so I asked if she was ok and also asked if she wanted to sub but she said I'm fine but thank you! Then wehn I got home my sister was doing her homework and it was a diorama for drama! She looked a little frantic about it so I asked if I could help beacuse I love making dioramas and she said I could help so well she made curtains for it I started making pillars and rocks! I knew she appreciated it beacuse she looked calmer when i started helping
Today when I got home I went on the computer then when my sister got home she wanted a turn so instead of saying no I let her go on (which I normally never do) I knew she appreciated it beacuse she said thank you! Also I did the dishes and cleared the table which my mum liked because normally she does that!

AHHHHHHHH!!!! I HAD TO TIDY MY SISTERS ROOM! I had nothing to do sooo she said Tidy my room and soo i had to :( It was an awful experience but someone had to do it! I knew she was happy though because she said thank you and got her homewrok done while I was tidying which was good! I also did the dishes and looked after the Kittens.
Day Three and I had no idea what to do!!! So far I have cleaned out the pantry, ironed my dads workshirts and loaded the dishwasher without anyone even knowing!!! So I hope they notice. I felt really good because now I am not just going on the computer or watching TV when i get home I am doing something good for people! I will write when my mum notices the small jobs! I also raised 800 grains of rice on
Today when I got home from school there was no one home so I was thinking what can I do? What can I do? Then I saw some laundry I quickly folded it and put it it neat piles ran downstairs and put the clothes in everyones rooms without my mum even knowing because normally she complains about having to do the laundry :) I think I might also Iron my dads work shirts when mum goes upstairs!
Today is the first day of 17 Days to make a difference! Yay!
Today I helped my mum make dinner which was very yum! Then I looked after the kittens because they are very sick and I gave them their medicine to help them get better. When they were getting tired I had to put them to bed and give them more food.
A good citizen is some who respects others and their property. they listen to the views of others and thinks about what they have to say.they help people who are not in a position to help themselves.they respect the environment and does not damage it in anyway.they work hard.they are well mannered and pleasant.they are always willing to learn