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Day 17 WOW ! That went really really really FAST! I tried my best to make a difference my sister and I went to te dairy wuth her friend and her friends baby brother and i brought my sister a lollipop and i shared some of my lollies with Noah ( Julias frends lil brother) He appreciated it beacuse he went ' num num" evrytime i gave him a lolly!
Its almost over :( I have really enjoyed 17 days to make a difference Today I helped with teh dishes I knew i made a difference because my mum said thank you anna! I also helped set the table!
We took Natalies dog Tessa for a walk then we washed her so she was nice and clean and smelt yum! Then we washed her cat Oscar beacuse he dosen't mind water. Also we let Phillipa hang out with us (Natalies little sister) she was bored so I think she appreciated it!
On Saturday we played soccer and instead of hogging the ball I passed to everyone and they appreciated it because they scored goals and were happy! :) I also was really nice to my sister which was good beacuse she was nice to me !!! (we are normally never nice to eachother)
Ok so today I entered Natalie and I in a competition which was nice beacuse if we win she will be happy! I also did the dishes and tried to be nice to people! I knew I made a difference beacause natalie said thank you and I hope we win! and my mum and dad said thanks!
Today I helped my mum bring in the washing and fold it then I told all my family somethn nice about them which tehey all said thank you about which was great!
Ok so today I set the table and did the dishes :o what a great person I am! I was also REALLY nice to everyone (at least i tries to be) I know i made a difference beacuse people smiled at me :)